Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bonus comic every Sunday.

Three panel comic featuring a character who may or may not be the artist known as Litchfield.
Panel 1: The Litchfield figure, silhouetted yet adorned with question marks, looms over the frame. They say, "Anonymity will be the ultimate luxury of the future. For now, you can lay low as long as you keep clicking the ads." The figure's hand does just that.
Panel 2: They continue speaking "On the bright side, if data harvesting surveillance systems can see your value, so can you!" The figure, now dressed in sunglasses and a mustache, stands within a giant heart made from the combined signals of various devices surrounding them.
Panel 3: "Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Criminal or Customer!" one of those weird creepy robot police dogs with the gun mounted on its back, jumping up on a very scared Litchfield figure. An unseen handler says off-panel "She's friendly! Just let her smell your biometrics."

Anonymity: A Performance Art