Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bonus comic every Sunday.

Three panel comic in the studio featuring Kate, an art director currently on a ladder adjusting lights, and Skelmo, a theatre ghost.
Panel 1: Kate says "Oh Skelmo, you got mail from the bank." Skelmo says "My savings account is still open?"
Panel 2: Skelmo says "Wowza! 100 years of compound interest!" Kate, in the background, falls off the ladder saying "Let's gooooo"
Panel 3: Cut to an outdoors ATM, Kate is damaged up with her arm in a sling. Skelmo looks at a printed receipt and says "I owe $400 in fees."

Latest Comics

Gen-HI and the Art Cetera Forum

The Art Cetera Forum is now open. A simple phpBB message board to chat about the comic, art we like, and other projects away from the algorithmic feeds of social media.

To start us off, I invite you to try GenHI—an experimental Generative Art service run by Human Intelligence. That’s right, folks! Step right up and try a prompt! Here’s how it works:

Start a NEW POST and write out your text prompt. (Be specific—or don’t!)

George Washington punching a Martian in the face.

Then I will reply to the post with four (4) thumbnail sketches.

You choose one and I will draw it out.

You only have so much control over the final outcome, I am at the mercy of my human whims.
Sometimes the human machine breaks down and needs repairing.

Allow me to reintroduce myself

Meet Litchfield. I suppose you could consider me his biographer in a weird way. Some of you are familiar with him and his work and find him (rightfully) to be on the cutting edge of the modern art scene and may go down in history as the artist who redefined the avant-garde in his own image (my apologies to Litchfield if that understates it too much.)

Still others are not familiar with him yet, but let today be “day one” of a new, enlightened future. ART CETERA is here.

The current plan is to run Art Cetera for a year, four times per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, plus a bonus one-shot on Sundays) and see how it goes. Please follow along on various social medias (either @classicbri or @artceteracomic) and I hope you enjoy the comic.

Art Cetera Tech Week

The comic will officially launch on Monday, August 12, so this week is my “tech week” as I get the site built, the bugs fixed, and the export settings fine-tuned. I was going to keep everything under wraps until everything was spit perfect, but it just seemed largely unnecessary and boring. So pardon the mess this week as it all comes together.

The shape of Art Cetera (as it’s designed so far) is a Monday/Wednesday/Friday webcomic (with a bonus update every Sunday) over the course of one year. That’s not a strict end date, just a general goal. If I’m having fun, I’ll keep it going.

Check in throughout the week – I’ll have another “negative number” comic on Wednesday and another on Friday as we lead into start of Art Cetera.