Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bonus comic every Sunday.

Five panel comic featuring Kate, an art director.
Panel 1: Close up on a sheet of paper. Kate says "Imagine this piece of paper is a client project."
Panel 2: Pencil in hand, Kate writes an X on each end and says "My team is on one side. The creative brief is on the other."
Panel 3: Kate folds the paper in half and says "My job is to align them by bending the project to my vision—"
Panel 4: She holepunches the folded paper with the pencil. "—Beofre we're all stabbed by the deadline."
Panel 5: Kate looks at the folded stabbed paper and says "I may be confusing art direction with how they explain wormholes in movies." Rookie, a fish who's been listening the whole time, excitedly says "Fascinating!"

What’s an Art Director?