Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bonus comic every Sunday.

Three panel comic featuring a bunch of stupid AI art generating robots.
Panel 1: Various stupid AI art bots are doing performing arts in pantomime — theatre, knitting, painting, photography, etc. Caption reads: "Sorry for the stupid A.I. But Seriously. What do you expect us to do? Not use this stupid A.I.?"
Panel 2: The client, a multiheaded emoji-faced executive, holds up a fancy bottle, a ghost-like artbot magically pours out. The client says "You know what they say: 'you can't put the genie back in the bottle!"
Panel 3: Pinch, a nearby artist, says "My understanding is the genie goes back in the bottle after the third wish." The client is dumbfounded. Every head of them. One of the art bots explodes into a raging FOOM.

Untitled 1001010

They're buying them at a rate of $100-billion a wish.