Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Bonus comic every Sunday.

Three panel comic featuring the world renowned artist, Litchfield.
Panel 1: Litchfiel bites on his pencil. A letter he's writing appears in captions. "Dear Yoko— Faking my own death has not been as easy as it used to be."
Panel 2: The letter continues, "Due to the economy, I've had to make it a 'working faked death,' finding jobs that won't give me away." Below the caption, is three different looks to Litchfield, as a baseball player, a construction worker, and a surgeon.
Panel 3: "This food place calls me a 'sandwich artist.' Oh Yoko! If they only knew!" Litchfield is writing his letter behind the sneeze guard of a sandwich franchise. He laughs maniacally, "BWAHAHAHA"

Dear Yoko